Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Happy Halloween 2010

Our Little" Tiger" enjoyed Halloween so much this year...from craving pumpkins, costumes parades and candy treats....she loved the entire day!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Another Photo Shoot!

Well, this was suppose to be a twelve month photo shoot, but this summer was so busy, we finally got around to it when you were 14 months old.
We shot in downtown Rochester with our friend Rachel and are amazed over and over again by your growth and development.
Carson you are walking and talking all day long and never want to sit still!
You are and always will be our little sunshine in our life!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Welcome Fall

Our First Cider Mill of the Season- Franklin Cider Mill with friends and family. Carson loved the doughnuts! I think it was her very first one.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Rys Family Vacation

Isle of Palm, SC
August 14-21, 2010
Another fun filled trip with the family at the Ocean.
Carson enjoyed the Ocean so much...she never wanted out.
It was hot, but it was fun!


Auntie Amy & Uncle Brice got married in Montana, August 6th
Carson had cowboy boots, just like the Bride.
What beautiful sights we saw and a great wedding celebrating with family and friends!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Forth of July on the Lake

Mom & Dad's favorite holiday is the Forth of July!
Of course we spend it on the Lake with all of our friends.
You looked so cute in this little number from Auntie Cindy!
Our Little Firecracker!

Our Little Girl is ONE!

Carson Rose turned ONE YEAR OLD on July 31!
Of course Mom threw her a BIG party with our closest family and friends.
Carson was overwhelmed and did not like being the center of attention. We had to have her eat her cake the day after, and then...she LOVED IT!
You are very blessed Carson Rose to have so many love you!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Pool Time!

Carson's 4th of July Party in her new Pool!
She loved it so much, she cried when Dad emptied the water.

Hello Charlie!

Charles Jameson Woods was born May 21, 2010. We all took a family vacation to meet him in June. Carson and Uncle Kevin were a complete surprise for Auntie Allie- it was so much fun! Charlie is just adorable and so tiny and perfect. We had a great time at the beach and pool and just hanging out in the great warmth of the south!

Auntie Amy Visit~ Memorial Weekend!

Auntie Amy came home for Memorial Weekend! We had a great week of fun together. Carson did a lot of boating and playing with her. We even went to the Zoo! The next time we see Auntie Amy it will be her Wedding Day in Montana!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Nine Month Photo Shoot!

OMG...We can't believe 9 Months have gone by...WOW!
We took Carson to Stoney for these pictures...she a little serious, but still adorable in our eyes!

Charleston Visit!

Carson made her first road trip down south to Charleston, SC to visit Auntie Allie, Uncle Mike and "Aunt-Grandma Judi" She was a trooper and slept for 12 hours down, and woke just in time for some Chick-fil-A, Mom's favorite! While in Charleston, Carson got to meet the Ocean for the very first time, take baths in her new Duck Tub from Auntie Allie and attend her first Baby Shower for new little cousin that's due the end of May! It was a great trip and we are all looking forward to many more Charleston memories to come!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy Easter!

Our Little Bunny~ Loved her first Easter... not sure about meeting the Ester the Bunny, but loved getting baskets of gifts! Her new dress was perfect, thanks to cousin Denise.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

St. Patty's Day Baby!

Our little "Mc Cutie" enjoyed her first St. Patty's Day with Mom & Dad.

Carson's First Trip to the Zoo!

Our first trip to the Zoo!

March 11th, 2010...a sunny, warm day in Michigan so we took advantage of our Zoo pass! Carson enjoyed the fresh air and sights. Daddy enjoyed the Arctic Circle and Mommy loved the baby monkey. We can't wait to enjoy more trips with our friends and cousins.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Six Months Old

Another photo shoot with Rachel was a success!

These shots are Mommy & Daddy's favorites.

Carson has mastered rolling over and is now sitting up all by herself.
She is amazing! We just can't get enough of her.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Six Months Old!

We can't even believe that six months have gone by so fast.
Our little girl is growing up before our eyes.
We are so proud of her and enjoy every day with her.
She IS our world- and we are so lucky and happy to have her!
Happy 1/2 Birthday little One... Mommy & Daddy LOVE you to pieces.

Carson's Christening


Carson was baptized with her two godmothers,

Auntie Amy & Auntie Allie. What a blessed baby she is!

Oh Christmas Tree!

Mommy's little helper already. Carson enjoyed the Christmas Tree lights so much, she was in such awe over them that she would just stare at the tree at night.

Christmas 2009

First visit with Santa...Priceless!

Yes, we took Carson to visit Santa with PaPa & GoGo at Somerset .
It was only a few seconds before she realized she wasn't in Mom's arms anymore.