Sunday, July 4, 2010

Pool Time!

Carson's 4th of July Party in her new Pool!
She loved it so much, she cried when Dad emptied the water.

Hello Charlie!

Charles Jameson Woods was born May 21, 2010. We all took a family vacation to meet him in June. Carson and Uncle Kevin were a complete surprise for Auntie Allie- it was so much fun! Charlie is just adorable and so tiny and perfect. We had a great time at the beach and pool and just hanging out in the great warmth of the south!

Auntie Amy Visit~ Memorial Weekend!

Auntie Amy came home for Memorial Weekend! We had a great week of fun together. Carson did a lot of boating and playing with her. We even went to the Zoo! The next time we see Auntie Amy it will be her Wedding Day in Montana!